A Professional Association of Current and Retired U.S. Administrative Law Judges

A professional association for current and retired federal administrative law judges

The FORUM of
United States
Administrative Law Judges


The Forum of United States Administrative Law Judges (FORUM) is a professional organization of federal administrative law judges (ALJs).  All active and retired ALJs appointed by the approximately 30 federal agencies where ALJs proudly serve are eligible for FORUM membership.  FORUM’s membership typically includes more than 70 judges serving in more than 20 federal agencies.

Since its founding in 1983, FORUM has been dedicated to:

  1. furthering the public interest by improving the administrative process;

  2. fostering faithful, efficient, and effective performance of the functions assigned to administrative law judges under the various statutes governing federal administrative proceedings;

  3. advancing the professional standing, education and welfare of the ALJs employed by the federal government; and,

  4. encouraging cordial and friendly relations among (a) FORUM members, (b) the judiciary, (c) government agencies, (d) the bar, and (e) public and private organizations concerned with the administrative process.

 FORUM provides:

  1. A lower cost (annual dues of $25 for active ALJs and $15 for retired ALJs) alternative to the Association of Administrative Law Judges (AALJ), the Federal Administrative Law Judges Conference (FALJC), and the American Bar Association’s National Conference of the Administrative Law Judiciary, with a focus on the approximately 250 federal ALJs generally engaged in federal agency adversarial proceedings.

  2. Effective advocacy for federal ALJs through: (a) communications/meetings with U.S. congressional and committee staff; (b) communications/meetings with OPM; (c) comments to notices in Federal Register relating to ALJs when appropriate, and (d) promotion of ALJ position standing/enhancements.

  3. Through use of email and the website, regularly provides information to, and solicits input from, FORUM membership on issues affecting ALJs.

  4. Identifies/advocates ways for ALJs to better serve the public: (a) disseminates latest policies/programs among FORUM membership; (b) reaches out to agency heads/Chief ALJs; (c) helps educate the public on the role of ALJs.

  5. Sponsors annual ALJ membership luncheon in Washington, DC.

  6. Conducts quarterly FORUM officer meetings.




712 H St. NE, PMB #96            Washington, DC, 20002



Contact us at forumalj@gmail.com


Contact us at forumalj@gmail.com